Bat-Yam For You - In Emergencies Too!

What to do now, just in case? In an emergency, you may not have the time you need to make preparations that would make the situation easier. Therefore, it’s important to do some things in advance: > Clear out any equipment that is not needed for an emergency stay from your Protected Space. > Inspect the door, escape routes and lighting for integrity > Clear out any furniture and equipment that may interfere with access to the shelter > Put up a sign saying “Shelter" at the entrance to the shelter Additionally, you should prepare for prolonged power outages, and prepare equipment in the Protected Space accordingly:


Emergency lighting

Food and Medication





Food – That does not require refrigeration. Liquids – Make sure you have sufficient quantities for all members of your househo ld. Emergency lighting – Make sure you have battery-powered means of illumination. Alerts – Make sure you have additional means for receiving alerts, such as the Home Front Command App, the National Emergency Portal and a battery operated radio. Communication – Have mobile chargers and a radio on hand in order to be able to receive instructions even during power outages. Know the people around you, and take care of your loved ones. See how your neighbors are doing, and how you can get help from them, or help them to prepare and cope with the situation.

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