ECOMOTION BOOKLET 2020 - Breaking Through Mobility Innovation


0.10 OF A SECOND The systemwedeveloped increases road safety. By better communicating autonomous systems and human driving to other road users, we are helping them anticipate road challenges about to transpire, before they normally would have realized. This is how we save lives, prevent accidents or reduce their severity. ADAS | PRE-SEED | ABILISENSE AbiliSense has developed a software that analyzes sounds using advanced AI algorithms. The software includes a robust AI engine that can classify any type of sound and can be easily customized to new scenarios. We invite you to enable your products with our smart listening technology and bring new added value to your customers. PASSENGER SAFETY | SEED | ACIIST SMART CITY NETWORKS Smart cities, roads, and highways are ‘all about connectivity.’ That is what we do. ACiiST provides the best connectivity for the roads and streets of the future. Our weatherproof hub, attached to streets and highway lamp posts, providesmulti-Gig connectivity and 24/7 power, converting the light-pole into a smart-hub. CONNECTIVITY | SEED | ACTASYS Actasys solves a critical problem – we clean automotive sensors and cameras, enabling them to see in all weather conditions. This enables deployment of ADAS and autonomous technologies in the vehicle andmobility sectors.We are currently engaged with OEM’s and Tier-1’s for development programs. ADAS | SEED |


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