providers. The tool is providing security team a security posture snapshot of the image, while in development or as final delivered product. Karamba alsooffers professional services to assist customers prioritize the findings and automate the use of the tool within the existing business processes • XGuard Protect: Runtime Software Integrity- Karamba XGuard uses automatically-generated Control Flow Integrity (CFI) and binaries whitelisting to validate device executables andmemory usage during runtime. It detects and blocks attempts to insert malicious code, hijack of the application control flow (ROP) as well as modification of configuration files. This agent is seamlessly applied in the software build toolchain, it has a negligible impact on ECU performance both in CPU and RAM usage in runtime. With CFI becomes the industry state of the art as proven in recent attacks, applying it on binary level code allows full protection on your own software as well as OS (e.g. AutoSAR) and 3rd party libraries. • XGuard Monitor: This audit and detection agent is extending the Karamba XGuard protection capabilities to detects and analyzes security events throughout the device operation. Karamba XGuard Monitor alerts on ECUabnormal behavior and provides the VSOCwith root cause analysis that is reducing operational costs and increase alerts fidelity. • SafeCAN: Zero Overhead CAN Authentication- Karamba SafeCAN uses authentication encryption to preventmaliciousmessages on the CAN. It authenticates each relevant message between designated ECUs, with patented algorithms that enable network authentication with zero CAN network overhead.

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