Italy is among the main producers in Europe and in terms of vehicle sales, the Italian market is the 4th largest in Europe and 9th in the world. The Mobility sector and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan-NRRP. The NRRP is part of the Next Generation EU (NGEU) programme that the European Union negotiated in response to the pandemic crisis. The Plan, worth 191.5 bln €, aims at boosting the Italian economy in the next 5 years (2021-2026) by making it more dynamic, inclusive and green. Hydrogen Production in brownfield sites - The investment will create 10 hydrogen valleys, or rather, industrial areas whose economy is based partly on hydrogen, in order to promote, at the local level, the production and use of H2 in industry and transports. Hydrogen testing for road transport – aiming to increase the diffusion of hydrogen in street transport. Priority will be given to strategic areas for heavy street transport such as areas next to internal terminals and the more direct routes used by long-haul trucks (Green and Digital Corridor del Brennero, cross-border project, East-West corridor from Turin to Trieste). Installation of new electric charging infrastructure - The NRRP foresees the installation of new electric charging stations in the cities and on highways to encourage the use of electric vehicles, with over 20,000 fast-charging points on highways and urban centres by 2026. Renovation of bus fleets and green trains - The investment will accelerate the purchasing of low-emission buses, electric and hydrogen powered trains, railway cars developed with recyclable materials and covered with photovoltaic panels, electric, hybrid or gas vehicles for the institutional services of the Fire Department. Renewables and batteries – increasing the Italian production of renewable energy as well as strengthen the solar panels and battery chains and develop a national leadership in R&D (Research and Development), innovations and patents. Hydrogen Production – expanding the hydrogen market in Italy by creating a large industrial plant for the production of electrolysers, electro-chemical devices that allow for the breakup of water molecules separating hydrogen from oxygen. An estimated 1 GW of electrolysis capacity is expected to be reached by 2026. Electric buses, industrial chain - The investment sustains, through the Development Contract and the financing of approximately 45 projects, the green and digital transformation of the bus industry.

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