Israel Cancer Association - Annual Report 2023

Homage and Distinctions

Homage to Prof. Abraham Kuten of Blessed Memory Israel Cancer Association Chairman

The ICA Executive Board, directors, employees and volunteers are saddened by the passing of Oncologist Prof. Abraham Kuten , who served as ICA Chairman. Prof. Kuten began his career at Rambam Medical Center as a resident, and 40 years later, retired from the role of Oncology Array Director. Simultaneously, as part of his membership in the National Oncology Council, Prof. Kuten served in various professional committees, the most prestigious being his role as Proton Therapy Chairman in Israel. The committee members, among whom are Israeli and international experts,

recommended the establishment of an academic proton center in a public hospital. The center is currently being constructed, and is expected to function in the near future, partially thanks to ICA's assistance. Moshe Bar Haim, ICA CEO, eulogized him: "Prof. Kuten was among the pillars of radiotherapy in Israel. In 2019, he was appointed ICA Chairman on a voluntary basis, and promoted many initiatives in this area. Prior to assuming this role, he oversaw ICA's activity and contributed much of his expertise to benefit patients and survivors. We shall remember him with great admiration."


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