Segmentation according to gender

As in the segmentation graph according to sexual orientation, the highest percentage of incidents was performed on cisgender men (27%). In addition, the vulnerability of the entire trans community, which accounts for about 45% of the total referrals, can be clearly seen.

Genderqueer 8%

Non-Binary/ Doesn’t define themselves 15%


Gender Segmentation

General community 16%




In 2021, the percentage of referrals reporting LGBTQ discrimination incidents within the nuclear family increased to 43% compared to 2020, so such incidents accounted for about 28% of all referrals. An explanation for the increase in percentages according to “Otot” Association is that in 2021 there was a significant increase in community members who resided in out-of-home frameworks for LGBTQ people. This increase may be due to prolonged conflicts within their own families, thus forcing them to leave their homes. In addition, the Aguda’s psychosocial department presents a picture in which children and adolescents, in conservative societies and even the less conservative, come out of the closet at a younger age than in the past and this is probably another reason why more young people experience LGBTQ discrimination and are forced to reside in out-of-home frameworks. Thus, many LGBTQ members experienced LGBTQ discrimination incidents in a broader sense within their own nuclear family: lack of acceptance towards LGBTQ relationships, verbal and physical violence, coping with financial difficulties and obligations, persecution, conversion therapies under the disguise of "Life skills"/" Parenting skills" classes, various daily hardships and more. A case that really shocked us was the story of Y., a young man from an ultra-Orthodox community situated in the central region of Israel. Y. came out of the closet to his parents and brother; In response his brother beat him, locked him in his room and forced him to undergo conversion therapy. He turned to The Nir Katz Reporting Center for help and together with the “Chevruta” organization and the “Otot” Association, we found a solution with the help of a professional therapist, where he was also referred directly to the emergency room. This year, there was an increase of about 41% in the number of residents at the out-of-home frameworks for LGBTQ people – “Beit Dror”, “Avnei Derech”, “Trans* transitional homes”, and the “Pink Roof”. This is due, among other things, to the complex difficulties experienced by members of the community during COVID-19, from the outbreak of the pandemic to the present day.

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