Segmentation of cases according to sexual orientation
Segmentation of cases according to age
+56 4%
up to18 10%
Doesn’t define themselves 12%
General Community 31%
41-55 20%
Sexual Orientation Segmentation
Age Segmentation
/A- Sexual Romantic 1%
Homosexual 27%
31-40 25%
19-30 41%
Bi/Pan/Poli 10%
Hetrosexual 9%
Lesbian 10%
According to the data, more than a quarter of all applicants define themselves as gay. In addition, and unlike previous years, a new figure is presented here, which constitutes almost a third of the references - LGBTQ-phobia towards the whole community. These incidents are clearly directed at all of the LGBTQ community members.
In 2020, the percentage of people reporting LGBTQ discrimination, aged 31-40 was only about 14%, while this year it seems that this percentage has risen to 25%. The same applies to the age group 56+, which in 2020 accounted for only about 1%, whereas this year it’s about 4% of all referrals.
Segmentation of reports according to gender
This year, there is an increasing trend of applicants within the trans community. In 2020, the percentage of transgender women who approached The Nir Katz Reporting Center was about 7%, whereas this year, it has risen to 15%; More than twice the number of reports. A similar increase was also recorded by transgender men who reported that in 2020 they accounted for about 6% of all referrals, while this year the number has risen to about 10%. The percentage of people this year who define themselves as non-binary or prefer not to define themselves is 23%, compared to 2020, when the percentage was only about 12%.
Non-Binary/Doesn’t define themselves 14%
GenderQueer 9%
General Community11%
Gender Segmentation
TransgenderWomen 15%
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