רפואת הפה והשיניים - עיתון ההסתדרות לרפואת שיניים בישראל - כרך ל"ח, גיליון מס' 1 שבט תשפ"א - ינואר 2021

use of inhaled sedation, use of topical anesthesia, and training of the dentist on the amount of local anesthetic solution injected. The results were significantly different if P value was <0.05. Results Two hundred quest ionna i res and cartridges were collected. Only 118 (60%) were used due to missing data in 82 of them. The specialists performed 44% of the treatments, the residents 36% and the GPs 20%. Sixty five of the children were boys (54%), and the mean age was 8.13 ± 3.2 years (min 2.5 years, max 14 years). Forty nine percent of the treatments were in the maxilla and the most common treatment (70.4%) was restoration of molar teeth (Table 1). Treatment modalities Restoration Extraction Restoration+pulpotomy +SSC Restoration+extraction Restoration+SSC Restoration+pulpotomy +SSC+extraction SSC Pulpotomy Total Table1: Treatmentmodalitiesperformed in118children The solution, 2% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine (64%) or 3% mepivacaine (36%) was injected using a conventional syringe with aspiration in 80% of the cases, or an intrasulcular syringe (20%). The prevalence types of No. 83 17 7 4 2 2 2 1 118 Percent 70.4% 14.4% 5.9% 3.5% 1.7% 1.7% 1.6% .8% 100%

needle gauge used were - 25G needle were used in 55% of the cases, a 27G needle in 30% and a 30G needle in 15% (Table 2).

Table 2: Prevalence of needle types used

Needle diameter

Distribution %

25G 27G 30G

62 40 16

55 30 15




In all cases, topical anesthesia was applied and inhalation sedation (N 2 O/ O 2 ) was used in 58% of the treatments. In 54% of the children, two teeth were treated during the treatment session; in 31% only one tooth, in 20% three teeth and in 5% four teeth were treated. Thirty seven children- reported of post- operative pain, but only 15 (12.7%) needed analgesic treatment (Table 3). Table 3: Post-operative reports of pain and use of analgesics of 118 children

Frequencies 15 22 39 42 118

Percent 12.7% 18.6% 33.0% 35.7% 100%

Reports of post-operative pain Analgesics taken No analgesics taken Report of no pain Missing value Total

More boys reported post-operative pain- 16% Vs 4% of girls. SPDs and RPDs injected significantly reduced amount of local anesthetic solut ion compa red to GPs – (0.786/0.746±0.4ml Vs 1.65±0.3ml) (P<0.001) (Table 4). The amount of solution injected in the upper jaw was


.1 רפואת הפה והשיניים, שבט תשפ״א, כרך ל״ח, גיליון

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