רפואת הפה והשיניים - עיתון ההסתדרות לרפואת שיניים בישראל - כרך ל"ח, גיליון מס' 1 שבט תשפ"א - ינואר 2021


Sharon E., Neeman-Levy T. Dept. of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dental Medicine of the Hebrew University – Hadassah, founded by the Alpha Omega Fraternity, Jerusalem, Israel.

Bruxism is a disorder of the repetitive activity of the jaw muscles that is characterized by tightening or grinding of teeth, and has two manifestations- sleep bruxism and awake bruxism. The prevalence of the phenomenon can reach about 31% in the adult population. Its symptoms include involvement of the teeth, chewing muscles and other tissues in the oral cavity .The current diagnostic method is PSG which is the test of choice ,but there are new and successful mobile devices that may become the future diagnostic tools in this field Bruxism is now def ined as a multi factorial phenomenon ,described as a central rather than peripheral disorder and primari ly a sleep

disorder .It may also be inf luenced by other factors such as psychosocial ,genetic factors or the ef fects of cer tain medications and drugs .Hence the variety of treatments and approaches to it . There is currently no method that has been proven unequivocally effective in treating and stopping the phenomenon .There are some treatments that look more promising such as the use of specific medications or biofeedback. When we come to rehabilitate the bruxist patient ,it is important that we make an accurate plan of how to recover and its scope ,taking into account the recovery material with which we will be interested in working.


The Journal of the Israel Dental Association, vol. 38, No. 1, January 2021.

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