Blueprint for Social Change: Shaping an Impact-Based Strategy - Case Study 2002 – 2020

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Theory of Change

Methods of operation

Axes of impact

Spheres of influence

An increase in high- quality inclusion of people with disabilities in society

Initiative and development



Engine of Change

Professionalism and expertise



Scale of activity (scale-up)


The Foundation’s theory of change was developed in keeping with our vision and values and pursuant to our working assumptions. This theory is intended to ensure that we have a substantial impact on bettering the lives of people with disabilities and their inclusion in society, and emphasizes continued development even after we end our involvement. The theory of change is based on two interconnected axes of impact that complement each other synergistically: The Axis of Solutions: Conceiving and developing multisystem services that make the most of all resources in places where there is a significant shortage. The Foundation conceives and develops broad-impact solutions that provide a holistic, extensive, multisystem response. In some cases, the Foundation operates as a venture capital foundation. It chooses its investments according to a strategic plan that includes identifying needs and decides on an innovative, efficient, broad-impact response while analyzing the possible risks. The Foundation’s programs are result-oriented and time- limited, and they have the potential for expansion and assimilation while remaining sustainable in the long run. The awareness-changing component (advocacy) is an integral part; it is the thread that binds them to the Foundation’s philanthropic activity. The Axis of Awareness: Efforts such as changing awareness and advocacy make possible the reduction and efficient elimination of structural barriers. The Foundation places issues on the public agenda to create bottom-up public awareness and influence decision-makers, using traditional and social media. At the base of our activist worldview is the idea that each one of us - whether we have a disability or not - has a role to play and the ability to shape the discourse. We especially regard online and media platforms - both traditional and digital - as an opportunity for individuals and groups to make their voices heard and to spearhead change together.

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