Blueprint for Social Change: Shaping an Impact-Based Strategy - Case Study 2002 – 2020
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Impact Axis: Awareness A substantial change in the context of inclusion of people with disabilities will take place only if we are able to create a broad change in awareness. In the prevailing discourse, people with disabilities are perceived as largely incompetent; they are portrayed in a polar fashion as both unfortunates and superheroes, and they encounter social stigmas which harm their chances of optimal inclusion in all areas of life. We must make the human diversity of the heterogeneous population of people with disabilities visible and focus the discourse on human rights rather than on charity and compassion. Moreover, people with disabilities, their families and some professionals often echo the generalizations towards people with other disabilities and act accordingly, thereby deepening the division between people with different disabilities. The individual’s voice is silenced, and cycles of exclusion are reinforced. Having understood this challenge, Foundation President Jay Ruderman and Executive Director Shira Ruderman decided to seize the reins of leadership, act personally and publicly to introduce a solid social agenda, making extensive use of the media and social networks. Case study: Lack of Authentic Representation of People with Disabilities in the Film and Television Industry Identifying the need: The film and television industry has immense leverage to shape opinions and public awareness. The marginalization of actors and professionals with disabilities has a powerful impact on representations of them, which often end up being biased, stereotypical and offensive. The void created on movie and television screens by the absence of people with disabilities reinforces erroneous paradigms. A study conducted by the Foundation found that 95 percent of characters with disabilities are played by able-bodied actors; they may not be able to play these parts in a way that is true to the life experience of people with disabilities. As a result, they are depicted superficially and in an exaggerated manner, which emphasizes the disability and limits them to roles of superheroes, weak unfortunates or dangerous villains.
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