Blueprint for Social Change: Shaping an Impact-Based Strategy - Case Study 2002 – 2020

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and traditional media. The Foundation has managed to create a new social and professional field that focuses on inclusion. It has served as an engine leading principle-based efforts in the field of inclusion, as a focal point for leading players and as an integrator and expeditor of innovative ways of eliminating major barriers.

Our legacy Underlying the Foundation’s conception of change is the idea that our job is to come up with innovative solutions and responses to needs and challenges that arise. Therefore, the conception of sustainability and an exit strategy are built-in, even in the planning and initial implementation stages. In the course of our work, we chose to act in strategic spheres, together with main partners, and established engines of change that would ensure the activities we initiated continued, met needs in innovative ways and offered up-to-date solutions. Thus, this is an opportunity to thank our partners for the wonderful way we did this together. We believe that, thanks to our joint work and its continuation, we will succeed in turning our society into a better, fairer and more just society.

Government and Public Sector



Organizations/ Social Sector

Business Sector

Religious Spaces

The Entertainment Industry

Leisure and Community


Young Adults with and without Disability

Communications and Social Networks

Language, Values, Perception Engine for Change and Growth

Knowledge and Tools

Services and Solutions



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