The Aguda - Municipal LGBTQ - Equality index #4
The Index Categories
Examining Key Themes within the Area of Education 1. Is there an active LGBTQ youth group in the municipality? If so, does the municipality contribute financially? 2. Has the municipality facilitated training sessions in the past year for education staff on topics like LGBTQ youth or families in partnership with any organizations from the Coalition of Organizations? (This includes teachers, kindergarten teachers, school counselors, etc.) 3. Does the municipality provide resources and educational material to its staff for observing special occasions related to the LGBTQ community? 4. What percentage of schools have students participating in workshops conducted by Hoshen or any other organization within the Coalition of Proud Organizations (this applies to grades seven and above)? 5. What portion of state-religious schools have participated in training the Shoval organization provides? 6. Is a designated person handling LGBTQ issues in the educational and psychological service (Shefah)? 7. Over the past year, has any training been organized for the Shefah staff and educational advisors on topics relevant to LGBTQ youth in conjunction with an organization from the Coalition of Organizations? Examining Key Themes within the Area of Welfare 1. Does a dedicated social worker, who is responsible for LGBTQ matters, serve in the municipality's welfare/social services department? 2. Has any training been conducted over the past year for welfare staff on LGBTQ issues? 3. Are there additional welfare services tailored to specific groups within the LGBTQ community (for example, services for the seniors, support for individuals dealing with addictions in the LGBTQ community, couple and family therapy for same-sex families, treatment adapted for the transgender spectrum, support for victims of homophobic violence, etc.)? 4. Has the municipality promoted or encouraged establishing a support group for parents of LGBTQ individuals, run by the Tehila organization or the municipality in partnership with a community organization? Has the municipality contributed to its funding? Examining Key Themes within the Area of Visibility in Public Spaces 1. Has the municipality displayed pride flags or LGBTQ symbols during Pride Month at the city hall or other public spaces? 2. Over the past year, has the municipality officially recognized the LGBTQ community through its online and offline channels? 3. Has the municipality included representations of the LGBTQ community (for instance, featuring a proud family) in its official city advertisements, such as on social media, its website, or public billboards? 4. Has the local municipality provided information about how to connect with LGBTQ community organizations or contacts within the municipalities which can be approached regarding LGBTQ issues or in cases of homophobic harassment or violence?
Education is a crucial area where positive societal change can be catalyzed for the LGBTQ community. In this regard, it is possible to meet the diverse needs of LGBTQ youth, establish safe spaces in schools, foster openness and inclusivity of diverse identities, and equip staff with the tools and knowledge to work with the community effectively.
The Welfare area aims to evaluate the extent of the psychosocial response for the LGBTQ community within the municipality. This domain encompasses services related to direct emotional care and training of welfare teams.
The area of visibility in the public space refers to the representation of the LGBTQ community in the municipality. This representation provides a significant opportunity for a sense of belonging and connection to the place and enhances personal security feelings. Visibility in Public Spaces
Municipal LGBTQ Equality Index 2022
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