The Israeli Independent Public - Abstract of the Inquiry Report - December 2021
system’s point of view, the offence is not so serious. Furthermore, as attested by victims, it seems difficult to protect minors testifying in court under cross-examination. We should note that it is not our intention to protect victims from the pressure and fear of taking the witness stand. We take issue with interrogations that involve harassment of the witness. In the most extreme cases, the court does nothing more than warn the defense team. The State Attorney’s Office, on the other hand, does not hasten to object and protect the witness, perhaps because it does not consider this to be part of its role, or perhaps because it does not wish to be seen as seeking to undermine the defense.
“On the witness stand – stop attacking the victims”
“Testifying in court is very traumatic! There should be accompaniment, integration, someone to hug the witness – that’s important.”
“All the courts know how to do is to recite the letter of the law: the perpetrator has the right to defend himself by revealing the victim’s personal psychotherapy journals written by the therapist to the defendant’s representative and to the judge… the struggle is so exhausting, from so many different angles, that it causes the victim to internalize the potential of keeping silent. Just living, without being alive. That’s how I’ve been living for quite a few years.” “The process of testifying, and the confrontation with the perpetrator, was destructive, inconsiderate, and didn’t see me, the victim, at all, only using me as a witness in the case.” 5. The right to justice: it is no secret that legal proceedings are lengthy, causing a significant delay of justice to the victim, particularly in the case of a minor. It should be noted in this context that criminal proceedings conducted in juvenile court are even lengthier, as part of the policy of rehabilitating the offender and without considering the rights of the victim.
The Israeli Independent Public Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse
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