האגודה למלחמה בסרטן - במה - גיליון מס' 24 - אוגוסט 2021
ביטאון לעובדי בריאות בנושא מחלת הסרטן והשלכותיה במה
NWTSG (before chemotherapy)
SIOP (after chemotherapy)
Tumor is not completely resectable because of local infiltration
Tumor thrombi present at resection margins of vessels or ureter, transsected or removed piecemeal by surgeon
The tumor has been surgically biopsied (wedge biopsy) prior to preoperative chemotherapy or surgery
Hematogenous metastases or metastases to distant lymph nodes
Hematogenous metastases or lymph node metastases outside the abdomino-pelvic region
Bilateral renal involvement at the time of initial diagnosis
Bilateral renal tumors at diagnosis
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