מכון חרוב - דו"ח שנתי 2023

Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences April 2023 Partners: Tulsa Community College

חרוב ארצות הברית | 2023 דו"ח שנתי 111

Aim: Train students who focus on child development and education to better understand their own trauma and their client’s trauma, so they can build stronger relationships by understanding the role of protective factors in their lives. Target audience: Child development and education students

Number of meetings: 1

Number of participants: 46

Location: Tulsa Community College

Budget: 2685 USD

“Is it working? Why we do what we love because we love what we do, even when we feel like it isn’t working” April 2023 Partners: University of Oklahoma, School of Social Work Aim: To share the presenter’s personal story of her journey from abuse to being the CEO of an NGO dedicated to shifting the discourse on child abuse and neglect by highlighting the long term physical, mental, and public health impacts of abuse. Target audience: Students and the general professional audience

Number of meetings: 1

Number of participants: 32

Location: Online

Budget: 400 USD

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