מכון חרוב - דו"ח שנתי 2023

Serving Diverse & Vulnerable Children July – October 2023 Partners: CASA Tulsa Aim: Train CASA volunteers on a variety of topics to improve their cultural humility and understanding of the vulnerabilities of certain populations within the child welfare systems; train them to be reflective and take care of themselves in the process. Topics include Vulnerabilities & Resiliency: An Indigenous Perspective; Self-Care for Helpers; Talking to Children Who Experience Trauma; and Beyond the Binary: Serving 2SLGBTQ+ Youth. Target audience: CASA Volunteer

חרוב ארצות הברית | 2023 דו"ח שנתי 96

Number of meetings: 4

Number of participants: 64

Location: Tulsa, OK

Budget: 3455 USD

Trauma-Informed Nutrition for Children in Care July 2023 Partners: Oklahoma Foster Care Agencies

Aim: Explore the relationship between positive and adverse experiences and nourishment. Consider the personal implications of participants’ (foster parents and foster care staff) own relationship to food and self-care. Learn the basic process and principles of a trauma-informed

approach and its affects on the nutrition of children in care. Target audience: Foster parents and foster care professionals

Number of meetings: 1

Number of participants: 40

Location: Online

Budget: 1500 USD

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