מכון חרוב - דו"ח שנתי 2023

Child Maltreatment & Mandatory Reporting August 2023 Partners: RG Foods Aim: Train RG Foods staff who work with youth in a school-based setting to understand the impacts of child maltreatment and mandated reporting laws. Target audience: RG Foods Staff

חרוב ארצות הברית | 2023 דו"ח שנתי 98

Number of meetings: 1

Number of participants: 10

Location: Tulsa, OK

Mandatory Reporting August 2023 Partners: YST Aim: To train YST staff on the legal responsibility of keeping the youth they serve safe, and to understand child abuse/neglect reporting laws. Target audience: YST Staff

Number of meetings: 1

Number of participants: 60

Location: Tulsa, OK

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