Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
7+( +$589 &+,/'5(1 6 &$0386 7KH +DUXY &KLOGUHQŶV &DPSXV LV D XQLTXH DQG LQQRYDWLYH LQLWLDWLYH WKH ƉUVW RI LWV kind in the world, whose goal is to create university-linked services for abused children. The campus brings together under one roof a variety of services for abused and neglected children. This initiative is led by the Haruv Institute in association with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and through the generous support of the Schusterman-Israel Foundation (SFI) and the JDC–Israel. The campus will encourage mutual cooperation between the various services for maltreated children. Both clinical and therapeutic services will operate on campus, including child advocacy services, a range of training programs for students of the behavioral sciences and medicine and accompanying research from the Hebrew University. The campus will facilitate synergy between the various services, will increase the individual contribution of each of the partners, creating a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. On campus a variety of services for children-at-risk are brought together: a children’s emergency center, a Child Protection Center (Beit Lynn), a treatment center for child victims of sexual abuse (Meital), the Jerusalem Center for Family and Marriage Counselling (Ma’avarim), the National Council for the Child, the SHEKEL Therapeutic Treatment Unit, the MSR Center for Social Simulation and the Goshen Initiative. Budget : NIS 50,000,000 $IWHU WZR \HDUV RI LQWHQVLYH ZRUN EXLOGLQJ WKH FDPSXV FRQVWUXFWLRQ ZDV completed in December 2016 and its residents began moving in. In early January 2017 a moving opening ceremony took place, in the presence of representatives of the donors and representatives of the organizations and services that are populating the campus. Link to video of the opening ceremony https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEZJfLu1LJ8
Opening ceremony of the Haruv Children’s Campus, January 9 th , 2017
The Haruv Children’s Campus, the inner courtyard
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