Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016

67521* &20081,7,(6 The initiative called “Strong Communities” is based on ecological observation and assumes that effective prevention of abuse and neglect must address the different OHYHOV LQ WKH OLIH RI WKH FKLOG DQG KLV IDPLO\ LQ ZKLFK WKH PDMRU HOHPHQW LV WKH community. The Strong Communities initiative was formed in order to affect a change in perceptions, beliefs and the behavior of the members of the communities and was meant to create a sense of community and competency through focusing on four central dimensions: (a) Creating a caring community – the community members will be attentive and address the needs of their members; (b) Universality – all the families in the community will have access to the services; (c) Optimism – the community members will act with the understanding that their actions are effective DQG EHQHƉFLDO WR WKH FRPPXQLW\ DQG WKH IDPLOLHV LQ WKHLU QHLJKERUKRRG G 7KH activities will target the creation of norms of mutual help and good neighborliness. 7KH ƉUVW SLORW RI WKLV LQLWLDWLYH ZDV LPSOHPHQWHG LQ WKH QHLJKERUKRRG RI 7HO .DELU 7HO $YLY OHG E\ 'U &DUPLW .DW] IURP WKH %RE 6KDSHOO 6FKRRO RI 6RFLDO :RUN 7HO $YLY 8QLYHUVLW\ 0DMRU SDUWQHUV RI WKLV LQLWLDWLYH ZHUH WKH +DUXY ,QVWLWXWH 3URI *DU\ Milton and Dr. Jill McCaig, creators of the Strong Communities initiative in the United 6WDWHV WKH 7HO $YLY 0XQLFLSDOLW\ 6RFLDO 6HUYLFHV $GPLQLVWUDWLRQŶV VRXWKHUQ UHJLRQ DQG 6KDŶDU


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