Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016

$%287 +$589²86$ Haruv-USA at Oklahoma University in Tulsa is a new initiative that combines the best of two worlds: the unique expertise and international leadership of the Haruv Institute in Israel with the research-based knowledge and expertise of the Oklahoma 8QLYHUVLW\ DW 7XOVD DQG WKH $QQH DQG +HQU\ =DUURZ 6FKRRO RI 6RFLDO :RUN +$589 86$ LV WKH LQLWLDWLYH RI WKH &KDUOHV DQG /\QQ 6FKXVWHUPDQ )DPLO\ )RXQGDWLRQ 7KH Institute focuses on the comprehensive and multi-disciplinary education and training of students and professionals, concerning the life of maltreated children, and aims to WUDLQ SURIHVVLRQDOV LQ WKH ƉHOG RI GHWHFWLRQ SUHYHQWLRQ DQG WUHDWPHQW RI PDOWUHDWHG children. +$589 86$ LV ORFDWHG DW WKH VWDWH RI WKH DUW 6FKXVWHUPDQ 6LPXODWLRQ 'HSDUWPHQW at the new Tandy Education Center of the Oklahoma University at Tulsa. $W WKH 7DQG\ (GXFDWLRQ &HQWHU LQQRYDWLYH VRFLDO DQG PHGLFDO VLPXODWLRQV DUH FDUULHG out, which provide a unique training method and feedback from colleagues and experts LQ WKH ƉHOG 8VLQJ WKLV PHWKRG VWXGHQWV DQG SURIHVVLRQDOV FDQ SUDFWLFH VNLOOV DQG professional work in a safe, nearly-real environment. The simulation center maintains an apartment in which students can practice home visits or other interventions at a family home, consultation rooms, emergency rooms, assessment rooms, an ICU (intensive care) and interrogation rooms, in which discussions are held following simulation exercises. The simulations are recorded and photographed and the participants later view WKHPVHOYHV GXULQJ WKH EULHƉQJ SURFHVV DQG UHFHLYH IHHGEDFN IURP WKH YLUWXDO FOLHQW (an actor who plays the role of a client), from colleagues and instructors. Learning WKURXJK VLPXODWLRQ LV D SRZHUIXO DQG VLJQLƉFDQW H[SHULHQFH WKDW EULGJHV EHWZHHQ theory and practice. HARUV-USA , like the Haruv Institute in Jerusalem, uses a variety of strategies to promote its goals: ‡ Developing innovative educational programs that equip professionals with knowledge and the newest professional tools, both theoretical and empirical, to help them perform in their professional capacity at the highest level. ‡ Nurturing a congregation of professionals, working at the highest level, in order to promote the welfare and well-being of children; and to promote the professionals with whom the Institute works, who are the same professionals that surround WKH PDOWUHDWHG FKLOG L H VRFLDO ZRUNHUV SV\FKRORJLVWV GRFWRUV QXUVHV MXGJHV lawyers, educational advisors, etc. ‡ Raising public awareness of the obligation to report and of the phenomenon of abuse, by public education and impacting on policies and legislation relevant to child abuse and neglect. The conferences and courses at HARUV-USA are for professionals from many ƉHOGV


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