Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
/(&785(6 $1' 9,6,76 2) ,17(51$7,21$/ (;3(576 $V SDUW RI RXU HIIRUWV WR HVWDEOLVK +$589 86$ DV D OHDGLQJ LQVWLWXWLRQ RI WUDLQLQJ DQG NQRZOHGJH 7XOVD KRVWHG UHQRZQHG OHFWXUHUV LQ WKH ƉHOG RI FKLOG DEXVH 'XULQJ their visit, these specialists met professionals from the community and different universities, with whom they shared their massive experience and knowledge, acquired over the years. $V SDUW RI WKLV SURJUDP LQ ƉYH H[SHUWV FDPH WR +$589 86$ ZKHUH WKH\ OHFWXUHG and met with about 700 professionals and students. The following are their lectures: 352) $/,&,$ ) /,(%(50$1 /(&785( 7,7/(' ´&5$'/( 72 35,621 3,3(/,1( 7+( 35(9(17,9( 9$/8( 2) ($5/< ('8&$7,21 ,1)$17 0(17$/ +($/7+µ February 2 nd , 2016 3URI $OLFLD ) /LHEHUPDQ IURP WKH &KLOGKRRG 7UDXPD 5HVHDUFK &HQWHU DW WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI &DOLIRUQLD 6DQ )UDQFLVFR LV DQ H[SHUW LQ WKH ƉHOG During Prof. Lieberman’s visit, the following activities were held: Discussion with therapists in CPP – Child Parent Psychotherapy Luncheon with academics in education Public lecture on the preventive value of early education and infant mental health. Visit and discussion at a parent- child center Meeting with the staff from the Safe Baby Court
Participants: 350 therapists working with CPP in treating child victims of abuse, educators who train students and the general public.
/HFWXUH E\ 3URI $OLFLD /LHEHUPDQ RQ “Cradle to prison pipeline: The preventive value of early education & infant mental KHDOWKŹ +DUXY 86$ )HEUXDU\ QG
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