Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016

$ 7:2 '$< 352*5$0 $7 7+( 6,08/$7,21 &(17(5 )25 &2816(/256 $7 &$03 +23( <0&$ ,1 &2//$%25$7,21 :,7+ <0&$ 78/6$ May 2016 Camp Hope is a summer camp for children who experienced violence and abuse in their homes. It is essential that the staff understand how trauma can affect the children’s behavior and how one should react when a child behaves in an unacceptable way. Children tend to express their feelings at times in actions rather than words, so that anger, for example, is expressed through violence. To the extent that the counselor understands this mechanism and understands how trauma affects the children’s emotional world, he will be able to react in a supportive manner that doesn’t make the situation worse. In each of the two days of activities a lecture was delivered on trauma and its effect on children, and simulations were carried out on different ways of coping with child victims of trauma. Participants: 25 counselors Sessions: two days of activities, one meeting with each group.

Participants’ Feedback: ‡ The participants noted that this experience was very conducive to them and helped them prepare for the “real” coping in their work.

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