Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
<287+ 6(59,&(6 78/6$ The Tulsa Youth Services contains many programs for youth. Through mutual FRRSHUDWLRQ ZLWK +DUXY 86$ WKH QHHG WR WUDLQ \RXWK ZDV LGHQWLƉHG XVLQJ WKH Youth Positive Development method. The training program included three sessions: 7KH ƉUVW VHVVLRQ ZDV GHYRWHG WR OHDUQLQJ WKH ZRUN PHWKRG WKH VHFRQG VHVVLRQ included two days of training in use of the method; the third session was a day of simulation for the Outreach Unit. Participants: SDUWLFLSDQWV LQ WKH ƉUVW VHVVLRQ SDUWLFLSDQWV LQ WKH VHFRQG session; 25 participants in the third session. Sessions: Three sessions In 2017 four more training courses will open for a variety of services in Tulsa: $ SDUHQW FKLOG FHQWHU $ IDPLO\ ZHOIDUH FHQWHU $ SURWHFWLRQ FHQWHU $Q HGXFDWLRQDO RUJDQL]DWLRQ WKDW RSHUDWHV HGXFDWLRQDO IUDPHZRUNV IRU SUHVFKRRO aged children in the neighborhoods The courses will include 5-8 sessions on different issues relevant to child abuse and domestic violence, and a day of simulation and practice. In May 2017 a day of training will be held for professionals from the Jewish community of Baltimore.
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