Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
We are happy to present to you our annual report of the Haruv Institute’s activities for the year 2016. The Haruv Institute is the leading body in Israel, and among the leading institutes in WKH ZRUOG IRU WUDLQLQJ LQ WKH ƉHOG RI PDOWUHDWHG FKLOGUHQ 7KH JRDO RI WKH ,QVWLWXWH is to train professionals, professional aides, investigators, parents and children, addressing every aspect of the prevention, detection, treatment and rehabilitation of maltreated children – along with the renewal and gradual building up of cutting- edge professional knowledge and its dissemination in Israel and throughout the world. Over 7,000 professionals actively took part in the annual and periodic programs run by the Haruv Institute in 2016 in Israel and abroad: events, seminars, conventions and workshops – in one-day or two-day activities and in study programs that ran for longer periods. Tens of thousands of people were exposed to the contents presented in these venues, transmitted by trained personnel, via written information disseminated by the institute at conventions and training sessions, or through the media, internet and the social media. 7KLV UHSRUW UHYLHZV RXU DFWLYLWLHV ZKLFK ZH KRSH \RX ZLOO ƉQG LQWHUHVWLQJ $PRQJ RWKHU WKLQJV \RX ZLOO DOVR ƉQG LQIRUPDWLRQ RQ WKH ZLGH VSHFWUXP RI DFWLYLWLHV WKDW the Haruv Institute initiated, developed, conducted and shared. Next to each activity appears its estimated budget. We will be pleased to receive your feedback and ideas, which could help improve and SURPRWH RXU DFWLYLWLHV IRU WKH EHQHƉW DQG ZHOIDUH RI FKLOGUHQ DW ULVN
Prof. Asher Ben-Arieh Executive Director, Haruv Institute
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