Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
The study program designed for the community protective committees is a multi- year program. The protective committees consist of volunteers from the community: SURIHVVLRQDOV DQG RIƉFLDOV FKRVHQ E\ WKH PHPEHUV RI WKH VHWWOHPHQW 7KH DLP RI WKH program is to help the community increase the safety of their children, protecting WKHP IURP DEXVH 7KH SURJUDP LV GLYLGHG LQWR WZR W\SHV RI WUDLQLQJ $ GD\ VHPLQDU LQ which the participants are recruited, and a training program. The program’s graduates
then receive individual supervisory sessions. Subjects of the Protection Program: The rabbi’s role when there is suspected sexual abuse
The dynamics of sexual abuse of a child The dynamics of sexual abuse in the family The dynamics of sexual abuse within the community Prevention and communal protection Presentation of a collective work model and the committee’s role Training the Protection Committees
7KH ƉUVW VWDJH FRQVLVWV RI UHFUXLWLQJ WKH PHPEHUV DIWHU ZKLFK WKH\ XQGHUJR WUDLQLQJ With the completion of the training program, the committee members return to their MREV LQ WKH FRPPXQLW\ DQG DIWHU VRPH WLPH DGGLWLRQDO PHHWLQJV DUH KHOG LQ ZKLFK they receive escorting and can consult with a specialist. The acquired materials are aimed at providing the trainees with knowledge that will guide their actions in the event that suspected abuse or actual abuse is uncovered. The protection committee derives its power from its moral and social standing in the FRPPXQLW\ VWHSSLQJ LQ ZKHQ RIƉFLDO OHJDO GLFWDWHV DUH LQVXIƉFLHQW RU DOWHUQDWHO\ making the legal procedures more accessible and escorting the abused person through the legal-therapeutic process. Since the committee members are volunteers, this WUDLQLQJ SURJUDP SURYLGHV WKHP ZLWK DOO WKH UHOHYDQW LQIRUPDWLRQ QHHGHG LQ IXOƉOOLQJ their roles. This is a long-term program, it began in 2015 and will continue in 2017 as well. Participants: $ERXW SHRSOH FRPPLWWHH PHPEHUV IURP VHWWOHPHQWV DQG regional councils. In the course of the seminars held for committee members and professionals, nearly 1,000 trainees were exposed. Budget: NIS 8,000 for each committee
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