Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
WKH FRPPLWWHH $ YDULHW\ RI DGGLWLRQDO WRSLFV ZHUH GLVFXVVHG VXFK DV IRUPXODWLQJ the committee’s mandate and work procedures, and a discussion of actions brought before the committee and to its care. The sessions were attended by the volunteers, nearly all of whom work in professions related to the world of child care, such as: social workers, psychologists, doctors, attorneys and rabbis. The sessions were held in the evening hours. Participants: 40 volunteers from seven settlements, about 6 from each settlement Sessions: 2 – for all the program’s graduates; 14 different sessions for the six settlements – Carmei Tzur, Tekoa, Nokdim, Rosh Tsurim, Neve Daniel and Kfar Etzion Budget: NIS 12,000
Participants’ Feedback: What I’ve learned in these training sessions also helps me in my personal life and especially with my children. Since this committee was established, suddenly there are so many cases that are brought to our attention.
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