Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016

678'< '$<6 )25 &+,/' 3527(&7,21 &(17(56 %(,7 /<11 678'< '$<6 21 7+( 7+(5$3(87,& ',6&2856( :,7+ &+,/'5(1 )25 7+( 75($70(17 67$)) 2) 7+( 1(: &+,/' 3527(&7,21 &(17(5 ,1 $6+.(/21 January 2 nd , 2016 7KH VWXG\ GD\ RQ WKH DERYH VXEMHFW LV SDUW RI WKH VWXG\ DFWLYLWLHV RI WKH +DUXY Institute at the child protection centers. The child protection centers cope with situations in which child victims of abuse cannot undergo investigation, for a variety of reasons. The day seminar aimed to facilitate therapeutic discourse with childrenand held a workshop on how to encourage children to talk that are not under investigation. The treatment staff discussed whether it is right or desirable to encourage an abused child to speak and how to go about it. Participants: 7 treatment staff members Sessions: One session Budget: NIS 5,000

Participants’ Feedback: ‡ Now it is clear to us that these children can undergo investigation.

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