Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
&KLOGUHQ ZLWK GLVDELOLWLHV IURP ,VUDHO DQG DEURDG FRPH WR $O\Q IRU WUHDWPHQW or hospitalization. The hospital runs a children’s rehabilitation ward; a children’s respiratory rehabilitation ward; rehabilitative day hospitalization; multidisciplinary RXWSDWLHQW FOLQLFV 6+$&+$5 ų UHKDELOLWDWLRQ HGXFDWLRQDO PHGLFDO GD\ FDUH FHQWHU skill-building center; therapeutic sports center; respiratory patients’ residential IUDPHZRUN 7KH $O\Q +RVSLWDO LV DOVR D UHVHDUFK DQG HGXFDWLRQDO FHQWHU IRU FKLOG DQG youth rehabilitation professions. The in-service training at the hospital puts the spotlight on the phenomenon of abuse of children with disabilities and aims to increase the staff’s ability to detect and identify children who were possibly victims of abuse in the family. Subjects of the study program: Discussions with children and parents about suspected child abuse in general and sexual abuse in particular; the work of the Committee on the Rights of the Child in the hospital; legal aspects of suspected abuse in the family; the Health Ministry’s guidelines in addressing suspected abuse; emphasizing culturally-sensitive work. Participants: VWDII PHPEHUV IURP WKH ƉHOGV RI PHGLFLQH QXUVLQJ
paramedical and educational workers Sessions: Four bi-weekly sessions Budget: NIS 15,000
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+263,7$/ March 2016
Dr. Inbar Hartman, one-day training FRXUVH DW $O\Q +RVSLWDO December 21, 2016
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