Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
The program is built as a workshop and a beit midrash and seeks to integrate both worlds of knowledge, that is – to address those issues that concern therapists, both in the contextual and emotional aspects, via the Jewish tradition and sources. Participants are not required to have any pre-knowledge of Jewish sources to be accepted into the SURJUDP 7KH SDUWLFLSDQWV LQFOXGHG H[SHULHQFHG SURIHVVLRQDO ZRPHQ IURP WKH ƉHOGV RI SV\FKRORJ\ PHGLFLQH VRFLDO ZRUN SURMHFWLYH WKHUDS\ DQG HGXFDWLRQDO FRXQVHOLQJ who work with children and adults, victims of abuse and neglect, or abusers, of all ages and from all sectors. Method of Study: The program is based on workshops which allow for active participation, rather than on frontal lectures, and issues from the area of Jewish studies are taught together with advanced, updated knowledge from the world of therapy, on the one hand, and emotional processing facilitated by the workshop’s tools, on the other hand. The integration of these two worlds serves as an infrastructure for the trainees’ emotional and professional empowerment. Subjects studied in the program: legitimate sexuality; sexual abuse by an DXWKRULWDWLYH ƉJXUH ZKDW GR RXU VRXUFHV WHOO XV DERXW WKH HYHQWV LQ .LQJ 'DYLGŶV SDODFH" :K\ LV LW VR GLIƉFXOW IRU ERWK PDOH DQG IHPDOH YLFWLPV WR FRSH ZLWK DEXVH H[HFXWHG E\ DQ DXWKRULWDWLYH ƉJXUH" 7KH VLOHQFH RI WKH YLFWLP RI DEXVH DQG VLOHQFLQJ
Beit Hamidrash “Dina”, November 2016
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