Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016

and only secondary attention is given, if at all, to risk factors, to prevention and to the child’s immediate environment. The goal of the program is to raise awareness of the phenomenon of abuse and neglect of children, to recognize its signs and know how it can be treated. Within the framework of the study program, lectures were given along with study seminars and simulations at MSR, Tel Hashomer Hospital. Participants: 19 nurses and doctors from the hospitals sector of the General Health Services throughout Israel Sessions: VHVVLRQV ų KHOG LQ 7HO $YLY DQG RQH VHVVLRQ KHOG DW WKH &KLOG Protection Center, Be’er Sheva Budget: NIS 60,000 Participants’ Feedback: ‡ Senior Pediatrician, Schneider Children’s Hospital $Q H[FHOOHQW FRXUVH it opened our minds to all the children who reach us. It disturbs me greatly, all the children we didn’t identify and still miss. Lately we had several children who were hospitalized as a result of abuse, and each time it gets to me all over again. ‡ A young doctor: From my perspective, as a young doctor, I would like to think how we can bring this topic before the senior doctors and those who set the tone.

Study program for nurses and doctors of the General Health Services, March 2016


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