Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016

Following is a list of the schools in which training took place:

7+( +(15,(77$ 6=2/' (/(0(17$5< 6&+22/ Jerusalem, February 2016

Subjects at the session: Maltreated children – red lights and obligatory reporting; principles of discussion with students when there is suspected abuse; dealing with the student and his family once abuse has been revealed and forming contact with the proper community services.

7+( .('0$ 6&+22/ )(%58$5< May 2016

The aim of the sessions was to teach how to detect and identify the four forms of DEXVH SK\VLFDO DEXVH HPRWLRQDO DEXVH VH[XDO DEXVH DQG QHJOHFW $OVR GLVFXVVHG was the Youth (Care and Supervision) Law, obligatory reporting and the principles of discussion with the abused students.

7+( +(%5(: *<01$6,$ +,*+ 6&+22/ Jerusalem, May 2016

The one-day study program held by the Haruv Institute at the school was to expose the issue of maltreated children, in preparation of the school’s year-round program. The program included a lecture, titled “In class, under our nose – what is happening in FODVV DQG GR ZH UHDOO\ ZDQW WR NQRZ"Ź IROORZHG E\ WKH VKRZLQJ RI WKH ƉOP 6SRWOLJKW about priests who sexually abuse children. 7+( <89$/,0 6&+22/ 63(&,$/ ('8&$7,21 *,5/6 :,7+ (027,21$/ $1' 0(17$/ ',625'(56 July – December 2016 The aim of the sessions at the school was to provide the staff with tools to help detect and identify maltreated children, and when there is suspected abuse, tools to deal with the child and his family and to contact the treatment agencies within the community. $ IXUWKHU JRDO ZDV WR JLYH WHDFKHUV WRROV ZLWK ZKLFK WR REVHUYH WKHPVHOYHV ORRNLQJ inward on their work with emotionally disturbed girls who had suffered abuse, to help the teachers discover their own strengths and capabilities, as well as their students’ strengths, alongside the abuse and hardships suffered.


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