Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016

‡ Training the educational staff of the Organization for the Promotion of Education LQ 7HO $YLY -DIID 1RYHPEHU ų -DQXDU\ The program was attended by members of the organization’s therapeutic staff and a multi-disciplinary staff that works at the organization’s after-school programs in Tel $YLY DQG WKH FHQWUDO DUHD 7KLV LQFOXGHG VRFLDO ZRUNHUV FRRUGLQDWRUV FRXQVHORUV DQG volunteers from the National Service and the pre-army year of service. Participants: $ERXW ZRUNHUV DQG YROXQWHHUV RI WKH RUJDQL]DWLRQ Sessions: 3-4 sessions with each group The general budget of the programs, in collaborationwith theOrganization for the Promotion of Education: NIS 10,000 75$,1,1* 7+( 67$))6 2) 7+( ´$ +20( )25 (9(5< &+,/'µ 121 352),7 25*$1,=$7,21 ,1 &2//$%25$7,21 :,7+ 7+( 25*$1,=$7,21 7KH Ÿ$ +RPH )RU (YHU\ &KLOGŹ QRQ SURƉW RUJDQL]DWLRQ LQ LWV YDULRXV IUDPHZRUNV and programs, provides a solution for about 2,000 children per year who must cope with neglect, and emotional and sexual abuse, The organization operates treatment frameworks for children at-risk, such as emergency shelters in Jerusalem and in Be’er Sheva, a transitional home and after-school therapeutic programs, and the Meital Center. Herein lies the importance of collaboration between the Haruv Institute and WKH Ÿ$ +RPH )RU (YHU\ &KLOGŹ 2UJDQL]DWLRQ ų WKURXJK WKH WUDLQLQJ RI LWV SURIHVVLRQDO staff, the help the organization offers children at risk will develop and improve. In 2016 training programs were held for the workers of the “A Home For Every Child” Organization, in collaboration with the organization: ‡ )RU WKH VWDIIV RI WKH DIWHU VFKRRO SURJUDPV LQ :HVW -HUXVDOHP $XJXVW ‡ In East Jerusalem, November2016 – March 2017 ‡ 7UDLQLQJ SURJUDP IRU GLUHFWRUV $SULO ų 'HFHPEHU ‡ Day Seminar for the entire organization, November 24, 2016 Training the multi-disciplinary staffs of the after-school therapeutic programs gives WKHP WKH WRROV IRU WUHDWLQJ HVFRUWLQJ DQG JXLGLQJ FKLOGUHQ DW ULVN $GGLWLRQDOO\ HYHU\ three months, the Haruv Institute holds training sessions for the directors of the IUDPHZRUNV DQG DGGUHVVHV WKH GLIƉFXOW LVVXHV DQG FRPSOH[LWLHV RI WKH DGPLQLVWUDWRUVŶ devoted work. The aim of the program is to provide the directors with the knowledge and tools to cope with the complex problems they must face in the course of their work as directors of a treatment framework for children at risk. Participants: Training staffs of after-school programs – 52 participants; training directors – 10 participants


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