Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
$Q DGGLWLRQDO DFWLYLW\ GD\ RUJDQL]HG DV D RQH GD\ VHPLQDU OHFWXUHV ZRUNVKRS DQG VLPXODWLRQ ZLWK 065 DFWRUV IRU VWXGHQWV RI VRFLDO ZRUN =HIDW $FDGHPLF &ROOHJH March 2016 Participants: 225 students Sessions: 3 activity days, one day per university Total Budget for the activity days for students: NIS 85,000 Participants’ Feedback: A student: This day was very meaningful to me. Learning enabled me to FRQQHFW ZLWK WKH LVVXH DQG QRW MXVW IURP DQ DFDGHPLF YLHZSRLQW A lecturer from the college staff: We are very pleased with the activity GD\ ,W ZDV D GD\ ƉOOHG ZLWK OHDUQLQJ LW ZDV HQULFKLQJ DQG H[FLWLQJ WKDW ZH won’t forget. A student: 7KH VLPXODWLRQ ZDV D VLJQLƉFDQW H[SHULHQFH IRU PH DQG LW VHHPV it will help me to familiarize myself and understand the phenomenon of maltreated children. I’ll be happy to expand this training and take part in additional training days such as this.
Experiencing simulation, day of training for students of social work from Sapir College, March 21, 2016
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