Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
'$< 2) 75$,1,1* $7 7+( -8'($ 6$0$5,$ ',675,&7 21 ´6(;8$/ $%86( 21 7+( ,17(51(7µ ,1 &2//$%25$7,21 :,7+ 7+( ,65$(/ 32/,&( January 2016 In the last few years, the internet has become the scene of many and severe sexual assaults, including towards minors. The aim of this day of training was to raise the DZDUHQHVV RI WKH GDQJHUV RQ WKH LQWHUQHW WR EHFRPH IDPLOLDU ZLWK WKH VXUƉQJ KDELWV of minors and to provide the police prevention workers with practical tools in working with adolescents in schools. Participants: 70 prevention workers and youth workers from the district Sessions : one session Budget: NIS 5,000 21( '$< 6(0,1$5 )25 '87< 2)),&(56 $7 7+( $6+.(/21 3527(&7,21 &(17(5 ,1 &2//$%25$7,21 :,7+ 7+( ,65$(/ 32/,&( )25&( January 2016 LW RIWHQ KDSSHQV WKDW WKH SROLFH GXW\ RIƉFHU RU GHVN VHUJHDQW LV WKH ƉUVW UHSUHVHQWDWLYH of the authorities that child victims of abuse encounter. The Haruv Institute perceives these policemen as agents of the highest importance in disseminating information and raising the awareness of the services available for child victims of sexual abuse and neglect, to which the children can be referred in the hour of need. The aim of the one-day seminar was to familiarize the participants with the protection center and its services for minors-victims of crime, and to get to know the staff at the Center and understand its interdisciplinary work mode. This can help increase referrals of suitable cases and minimize secondary victimization that minors-victims of crime may experience. Participants: GXW\ RIƉFHUV DQG KHDGV RI SDWURO WHDPV Sessions: one session Budget: NIS 2,000 Participants’ Feedback: $ VXFFHVVIXO GD\ ERWK IURP WKH WKHRUHWLFDO DVSHFW DV ZHOO DV IURP WKH practical-professional aspect.
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