Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016

Dr. Cigal Knei-Paz (clinical social-worker, director, the Parent-Child Contact Center in 1HWDQ\D DQG 1RD *LQRVVDU FOLQLFLDO SV\FKRORJLVW JDYH D OHFWXUH RQ WKH VXEMHFW Ÿ Ŷ:KDW is forbidden, what is permitted’ – the role of the therapist in escorting proper moral development in treating children and parents who witnessed violence in the home”. Participants : 330 professionals Budget : NIS 6,000

Conference on the topic: “Parent-Child relationships as a basis for GHYHORSLQJ HPSDWK\ LQ FKLOGUHQ $ ORRN WKURXJK WKH WUDXPD OHQVŹ

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(YHU\ IHZ PRQWKV DOO WKH \RXWK ZRUNHUV RI WKH VRXWKHUQ GLVWULFW JDWKHU IRU D MRLQW conference. This year the Haruv Institute took part in planning the day seminar and its contents. The topic chosen was sexual abuse, and discussions focused on sexual

abuse on the internet and sexual abuse in the Bedouin sector. Participants : 60 youth investigators and prevention workers Sessions : one session Budget : NIS 3,000

Participants’ Feedback: ‡ The participants expressed much interest in the lectures and requested additional in-depth training in using practical tools, such as models of risk assessment.


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