Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
David Stav gave a lecture on the role of the rabbi when there is suspected abuse. $GGLWLRQDOO\ WKH SHUVRQDO WHVWLPRQLDO RI D ZRPDQ ZKR ZDV VH[XDOO\ DEXVHG DV D FKLOG was presented. The conference was held at Shoham. Participants $ERXW UDEELV IURP WKH VHWWOHPHQWV Budget: NIS 3,000 (9(1,1* 6(0,1$5 21 7+( 68%-(&7 '(7(&7,1* &+,/'5(1 :,7+ ',6$%,/,7,(6 :+2 $5( $7 5,6. 2) $%86( $1' 1(*/(&7 ,1 &2//$%25$7,21 :,7+ 7+( $/(+ 25*$1,=$7,21 1(7:25. 2) &$5( )25 &+,/'5(1 :,7+ 6(9(5( ',6$%,/,7,(6 June 14, 2016 7KH $/(+ QRQ SURƉW RUJDQL]DWLRQ RSHUDWHV IRXU FHQWHUV WKDW SURYLGH SURIHVVLRQDO KHOS WR RYHU LQIDQWV FKLOGUHQ DGROHVFHQWV DQG DGXOWV 7KH $/(+ FHQWHUV DUH ORFDWHG LQ %QHL %UDN -HUXVDOHP *HGHUD DQG WKH 1HJHY 7KH\ SURYLGH VHUYLFHV LQ WKH ƉHOGV of medicine, nursing, health-care professions, rehabilitation, special education and leisure activities. In addition, the organization operates community clinics that provide care to the general public. The target group for this evening seminar was the caregivers DW WKH $/(+ FHQWHUV DQG PHPEHUV RI WKH %RDUG RI 'LUHFWRUV RI WKH RUJDQL]DWLRQ 7KH H[WHQGHG VWD\ DW WKH $/(+ IUDPHZRUNV SURYLGHV EHWWHU RSSRUWXQLWLHV IRU identifying maltreated children. Subjects discussed at the evening seminar: Medical diagnosis – discussion with parents; “The Youth (Care and Supervision) Law”; obligatory reporting and the work of the committee; cultural-sensitive therapy. $WWHQGDQFH ZDV LPSUHVVLYH ZLWK UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV IURP D ZLGH VSHFWUXP RI FDUHJLYLQJ professions. The multi-cultural audience carried on a fruitful, interesting and complex GLVFXVVLRQ DQG LW FRQWULEXWHG WR WKH JUHDW VXFFHVV RI WKH VHPLQDU $IWHU WKH VHPLQDU the Haruv Institute received a request to similarly train all the staff personnel of the organization and indeed another training seminar will be held. Participants FDUHJLYHUV LQ WKH $/(+ RUJDQL]DWLRQ DQG PHPEHUV RI WKH ERDUG Budget : NIS 3,000
Participants’ Feedback: [The seminar] was very educational, there is a need and the desire to learn and increase our professional knowledge.
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