Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2017
Day Seminar for Social Workers (the Assistance Law – developmental delay/mental disabilities) and Rehabilitative Social Workers October 2017 This is the second of two daylong seminars organized for child protection social workers of the “Assistance Law” (re Developmental Delay/Mental Retardation) (The first day-seminar was held in September, 2016). These social workers are appointed by law to protect people with developmental delay/mental disabilities. They work throughout the country in various municipalities and their professional tasks are difficult and complex. These day seminars were held to provide them with new information, and to give them a chance to move away from routine approaches, by thinking outside the box.
Number of Sessions: 1
Participants: 200
Location: Kiryat Chaim
Budget: NIS 10,500
The First Haruv-Sapir Conference – December 2017 Goal: One-day seminar on play therapy with children victims of sexual abuse. Target Population: Professionals in the field.
Number of Sessions: 1
Participants: Around 150
Location: The Sapir Academic College
Budget: NIS 15,000
The Untold Story – Children in the Shadow of Violence
A conference marking the International Day of Fighting Violence Against Women, in collaboration with WIZO.
Number of Sessions: 1
Participants: 350
Location: Cinemateque, Tel-Aviv
Budget: NIS 5,000
Link to the video screened at the conference: https://youtu.be/bmDn5baz9YA
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