Haruv annual report 2021
Haruv on the Air
This program became permanent and was held throughout the year.
It offers three options for online lectures in a similar structure to the Israeli Haruv from the Couch program. Part are offered gratis and others require a nominal fee, open to the public or designed for specific professions and varying topics, including: child maltreatment, trauma, law and legislature, education and others. These lectures were made available for complimentary viewing on the Haruv Institute website channel, on a designated playlist categorized by the different topics. English lectures available on Haruv Institute YouTube channel: Haruv in English Haruv on the Air Lectures: 1. Building personal and professional resilience
2. Recommended work methods for reducing suicide: Kenneth Moore
3. Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (ASCA): Dr. Patrick Gannon and Bo Smith
4. Child custody in high intensity conflicts that include abuse and alienation allegations
5. Criminal law from children’s point of view: supporting victims and child witnesses
6. The family cycle model: therapeutic model for parents and at-risk child victims of trauma and maltreatment 7. It’s only marijuana! Effects of marijuana and other narcotics, legal and otherwise, on Oklahoma youth
8. Filicide: why parents kill their children? Community Action Project (CAP)
9. Distress measurement: the epidemiology of negative childhood experiences
10. All about the Indian child welfare law
11. The connection between poverty and child maltreatment, and child protection: from theory to poverty-informed practice: Dr. Yuval Saar-Heiman
12. NEAR science: the impact of childhood trauma on human neuro-biological development
Lectures: 12
Participants: 904
Venue: Virtual
Budget: 5,000 ILS
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