Haruv annual report 2021


Academic Course

Resilience and Post-TRAUMATIC Growth January - May 2021 Partner: Oklahoma University

Objective: learning models and approaches to resilience and post-trauma growth, with an emphasis on childhood maltreatment and learning skills for detecting, treating and promoting resilience and post-trauma growth among survivors of childhood maltreatment.

Target audience: MSW students on both Oklahoma University campuses

Sessions: 15

Participants: 22 at each session

Venue: online


Experts by Experience: Training Survivors of Childhood Maltreatment February - April 2021 Objective: training experts by merit of their own personal experience to testify in Haruv Institute training on child maltreatment. Personal experience has special significance and incorporating it with academic theory in training professionals, highlights the unique perspective of the survivors.

Target audience: survivors of childhood maltreatment

Sessions: 13

Venue: online

Budget: 18,000 ILS



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