ג'וני ירושלים - שירים מהלב

No one is to blame because I'm just the same As the people you meet when you walk down the street We all have a purpose, a life to fulfill Though some may be healthy and some may be ill The trouble that hides in me couldn't be worse But don't turn away from me, I'm not to blame There are viruses, illnesses, cancers, disease That can wrestle the strongest of men to his knees But of all the diseases that cut short one's life Only AIDS has a stigma that cuts like a knife No, don't turn away from him, don't try to hide From the person who suffers this sickness inside No, don't turn away for the sake of a name For you know, deep inside, we are all just the same Though the stigma may burn in society's eyes Yes, the virus may be in the blood in my veins But I'm just like you, we're all just the same I'm still the same person I was yesterday So next time you see me, please don't turn away Remember there's no one this virus ignores Though you've locked up your houses and bolted the doors Remember the powerful key that you hold That opens the heart and brings hope to the soul No, don't turn away, be a friend, understand No matter what happens a man's still a man And I call from the heart that beats deep in my breast Be loving and patient and look for the best The Aids (HIV) stigma song / Jony Jerusalem The illness inside me is more like a curse For I have a virus and AIDS is its name And always remember that though this is true It doesn't make me less a person than you So try to be loving and don't criticise

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