The Aguda he Association for LGBTQ Equality Annual Report 2023

The Fight Against LGBTQ-phobia

In the past year, the LGBTQ community faced an escalating crisis in the fight against LGBTQ phobia, exacerbated by the emergence of an anti-LGBTQ government. This administration, seeking to enact legal reforms, triggered a surge in violence against LGBTQ individuals. Our last published LGBTQ Phobia Status Report in Israel revealed a significant rise in both physical and ve r ba l assaults, desecration of Pride flags, and discrimination across public and private sectors. Confronted with this

director of the rights exhaustion department, and appeals to public/private entities for condemnation or policy changes. Educational initiatives, such as training by the Hoshen organization in schools, were implemented, recognizing that harm can stem from ignorance rather than hatred. To enhance collaboration with law enforcement, we strengthened our relationship with our police representative, facilitating channels for victims to seek justice. In cooperation with Reichman University’s legal department, a new initiative, the Legal Clinic, named after the late Shira Banki, offered close guidance on appealing violence cases. The Israel-Hamas war posed additional challenges, particularly the fear of harassment towards LGBTQ reservists based on their sexual orientation. We established close communication with reservists, urging them to report discrimination cases, and engaged with military officials to address any inequality. Maintaining contact with reserve officers during the war was crucial, recognizing the difficulty in reporting LGBTQ phobic incidents amid competing priorities. Throughout the year, and especially during the war, we provided essential support to community members in need, including food baskets, food stamps, and assistance with rent. Our dedicated volunteers who joined the

collective struggle made these efforts spanning the country possible. Looking ahead, our commitment remains strong. We aim to build on our achievements, offering innovative and comprehensive solutions to aid those who have experienced discrimination or hatred based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

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Increase in LGBTQ abuse reports in the public sphere

Increase in LGBTQ abuse reports where the offending parties are public figures and the media

Yana Leshkowitz Rights Exhaustion Manager


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challenging reality, a swift adaptation was essential. Our response involved a comprehensive media campaign across networks to raise awareness of the Aguda’s reporting center, named after the late Nir Katz. We recruited and trained additional volunteers to provide more available and sensitive support. The reporting center offers various options for victims, including empathetic conversations, legal assistance from top lawyers, personal support from the

Increase in reports from individuals in the Trans community

Increase in discrimination reports involving services at businesses


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