The Aguda he Association for LGBTQ Equality Annual Report 2023

Data for Social Change

The Israeli Institute for Gender and LGBTQ Studies experienced remarkable growth and achievement throughout 2023. Our commitment to advancing understanding and awareness of LGBTQ issues in Israel was reflected in completing 15 comprehensive studies covering various topics related to LGBTQ life in the country. N o t a b l y , o u r groundbreaking study on LGBTQ individuals in Arab society revealed that 83% of community members remain in the closet and

A significant milestone achieved in 2023 was the establishment of a research infrastructure in preparation for the upcoming national community survey census scheduled for 2024. Additionally, we expanded our collaborative efforts with international research teams on LGBTQ health and initiated several groundbreaking projects in partnership with government ministries, local authorities, academic institutions, and community organizations. Through extensive partnerships with activists, organizations, and allies across various sectors, we gained invaluable insights into the unique characteristics and needs of LGBTQ individuals. As we conclude a year of intensive work, during which our research findings were disseminated in academic forums, Knesset committees, and the media, we are witnessing our vision of using data and knowledge as a foundation for positive social change materializing. Looking ahead to 2024, we remain committed to conducting new studies, launching our revamped website, and advancing the concept of 'data for social change.' We aim to foster ever-expanding partnerships across all sectors, continuing our mission to create a more inclusive and informed society.

A study conducted by Dr. Siegel Goldin from the Israeli Institute for Gender and LGBTQ Studies among the LGBTQ community uncovers concerning insights about their trust in the police over the past three months. The research, conducted in April 2023, involved 301 LGBTQ participants representing diverse sexual and gender identities nationwide.

Indicated that their sense of security in public areas has deteriorated over the past three months, expressing that they now feel less secure. Responded that they have minimal or no trust in the police to ensure their protection.


Dr. Sigal Gooldin Head of the

Israeli Institute for Gender and LGBTQ Studies


72% lack family support. Another study explored barriers to healthcare access within the trans community, uncovering that over 80% hesitated to seek necessary treatment due to fear of discrimination. Looking ahead to the coming year, we will prioritize mapping gaps and risk factors in the LGBTQ community, accompanied by policy studies aimed at mitigating these disparities.

Responded that they feel unsafe while commuting or attending demonstrations.



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