The Aguda he Association for LGBTQ Equality Annual Report 2023

In reflecting upon the events of the past year, I am reminded of the biblical verse from Job 1:16, “While he was yet speaking, there came another.” In my previous year-end message, I expressed concerns about the challenges the LGBTQ community in Israel would likely face due to the formation of a new LGBTQ phobic coalition. Unfortunately, those concerns materialized into a reality. This past year has proven to be arduous and demanding as our community took to the streets to defend Israeli democracy, government structures, and our path toward equality. The instances of LGBTQ-phobia tripled, not only in numbers but also in the severity of attacks. Physical assaults became more prevalent, and the sense of personal security among community members was compromised. However, amid these challenges, there was a notable surge in activism within our community. We witnessed a collective effort by organizations, individuals, young advocates, and seasoned activists standing together, shoulder to shoulder, rain or shine, as an integral part of the liberal fabric of Israeli society, passionately fighting for the future of us all. While one occurrence takes place, another event unfolds before us.

Chairwoman’s Statement

During a period marked by heightened polarization, discord, and incitement within Israel, Black Saturday occurred—a ruthless terrorist attack by Hamas on the residents of our nation. In this historical juncture, we find ourselves grappling with both domestic and external threats. Members of our LGBTQ community are actively participating in the war effort, stationed on the borders, risking their lives for our collective security, fully aware that the battle for equality is yet to come. I remain hopeful that the Israeli public and its elected representatives, through the shared experiences of loss, will recognize the importance of ending discrimination against the LGBTQ community. Our community sacrifices its best sons and daughters and undeniably deserves an equal and fulfilling life in every aspect and field.

Hila Peer Chairwoman of The Aguda


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