The Aguda he Association for LGBTQ Equality Annual Report 2023

Continuing Our Public Effort to Safeguard Democracy

Notably, the formation of the government included individuals with strong LGBTQ phobic stances, such as Avi Maoz, who was appointed as a deputy minister in the Prime Minister’s Office. Maoz focused on initiatives harmful to the LGBTQ community. However, the most reprehensible statement of the year came from MK Yitzhak Pindrus, who declared that the LGBTQ community posed a greater threat to Israel than Hamas, Hezbollah, and ISIS, advocating for its elimination. Already back when uttered, this statement prompted widespread condemnation, leading us to

couples, rectifying a long-standing injustice. The amendment, along with a new law to compensate family members of those missing or abducted in hostilities or war, which was also corrected accordingly, passed unanimously in the Knesset, marking a historic step towards equality. Looking ahead, we remain committed to advocating for equal rights in all arenas, including the Knesset, government, media, and the streets. As Israeli society undergoes soul-searching and shifts priorities after the war, addressing the historical injustice endured by the LGBTQ community is both socially and morally imperative. We will persist in promoting a comprehensive package of equality laws for LGBTQ individuals, seeking equality in life, not just in death.

In 2023, the LGBTQ community faced considerable challenges as our freedom and equality came under threat. Hostile attitudes from some anti-LGBTQ members of the Knesset and the new government fueled violence against the LGBTQ community as they sought to undermine democracy and the legal safeguards protecting us as individuals and as a community. In response to these

Imry Zagury Head of Policy and Governmental Affairs

demand the removal of immunity and prosecution for Pindrus, which turned out to be even more wretched in the face of the horrifying attacks on October 7. The LGBTQ community’s extraordinary contribution during the Israel-Hamas War underscored the inequality we face. The story of the late Captain Sagi Golan, killed defending Kibbutz Be’eri, who was supposed to marry his partner a few days after his fall, only to have instead the flowers intended to decorate their canopy placed on his grave. In response, the Aguda initiated an amendment to the Bereaved Families Law, ensuring that the definition of “spouse” includes same-sex

challenges, the Aguda recognized the need to make the inherent dangers of the legal overhaul accessible to the LGBTQ community. Our efforts included active participation in street protests, guerrilla operations, disseminating messages on social networks, organizing rallies, and engaging in days of disruption. Additionally, we prioritized communicating to the Israeli public the adverse implications of the legal changes on the LGBTQ community.

“The era in which we were legally discriminated against is coming to an end. We are equal when it comes to serving our country, and it is now essential that we are recognized as equals not only in death but in life...” Ran Shalhavi, CEO of The Aguda


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