רפואת הפה והשיניים - עיתון ההסתדרות לרפואת שיניים בישראל - כרך ל"ז, גיליון מס' 3 אב תש"פ
Promoting toothpicks in fitness-sports centers may contribute to optimal oral self-care and a healthy lifestyle
Gortzak J.J.C.*, Buunk-Werkhoven Y.A.B.** *Oral-Vision, Dental Hygiene Clinic, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. **SPOH ARTS – International Oral Health Psychology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Objectives: This third Pick–a–T pilot field study aimed to evaluate the opinion of athletes in a Fitness-Sports Center about their oral-health related to a healthy lifestyle, and to evaluate whether toothpicks in an in- house healthy brasserie in the same Fitness-Sports Center may contribute to optimal oral self-care and a healthy life style. Material and Methods: 40 persons completed a short questionnaire, including items about socio- demographics and oral-health related to healthy lifestyle. In addition, regular cocktail picks –round and sharp-ended points– were replaced by professional toothpicks –single wrapped wooden triangle–, which were distributed at the table. For three months, eachday the number of toothpicks that were taken by the athletes was counted and replaced by the investigator. Results: Two-thirds (65%) of the total sample were
men and the mean age was 37.3 (SD=15.2) years. The educational level was divided in: 43% advanced vocational training, up to 38% higher professional education and 20% university. More than a quarter of the athletes (27%), reported no attendance to a dental hygienist. Athletes evaluated their perceived oral- health as ‘good׳; with a mean value of 8 (SD=1.1), and about two-thirds (63%) reported not using a toothpick each day. 90% evaluated the use of a toothpick after eating as (very) important for a fresh breath feeling and optimal oral health. Conclusion: Providing professional toothpicks in this Fitness-Sports Center may motivate, stimulate and can support to optimal oral self-care and a healthy life style among the athletes. Keywords: Behavioral Science, Oral Health Promotion, Toothpicks, Oral self-care, Public Health; Sport and Athletes, Life style.
The Journal of the Israel Dental Association, vol. 37, No. 3, July 2020.
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