The story of Gizela - Afik Shiraz. Abinun Shmuel
Later on, Tammy Saknai contacted me from “Roots” association, the organizer of memorial events in the living room, and asked me to tell my resume to a Meccan employees group (an advertising company). And so in 2017 I found myself speaking to audiences about the difficult experiences that have been stored with dozens of years. Although it was a full- fledged auditorium, I was not thrilled with the class. In the past I might have had difficulty speaking. Today, after all those years of conversations with caregivers from AMCHA, I'm not excited anymore. Those events are history for me, like any other history book I will read, and so I can tell them, without the familiar crunch in my throat. I tell it because I want them to know, that they will not forget and that what happened will never come back, since I see what is happening in the world around us, how anti-Semitism raises and the fear returns. Another important message: individuals at war were impossible to resist, and the locals didn't help because they were afraid of the punishments of the Germans or were themselves anti-Semitic. Of the guys who went to fight as partisans, some fell and some were killed by the Chetnitk Serbs. So did my cousin, who tried to join the partisans, but a Chetnitk Serb returned him to the Ustasha who murdered him. It is important for me to emphasize this message to all those people, that blame the victims of the Holocaust as theywere going to the slaughter as sheep, shall know that people demonstrated courage, generosity and mutual guarantee in the most darkest places as well. In 2016, I initiated an outing of the extended family to Yugoslavia. All the family joined and so I went out with my son, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, two of my nephews and their spouses. Jenny did not get a visa for Serbia which is why I hired a Serbian origin lender, Lili Papo who accompanied me. At the Belgrade airport, the examiner found out my homemade jam jars and he refused to allow me to take them. But when he heard my companion Lily calling me Baba, a smile came to his face and he said, "My grandmother also sends me such jams", and let me pass them. In the first week of the trip, I was with my nephews (Roni and his wife Abigail Eliza, Ari and his wife Abigail) and one day we went to Vishegrad. I had already visited the town before, but at that visit I noticed that it changed a lot; The civil war and the sustained bombings left behind their mark. The bridge on the Drina, a symbol of upheaval the histories of the place were closed to vehicular traffic and it could be crossed by foot only, on planks, as they were not renovated since 1992. The bridge environment changed its face, and instead the prairie trees that grew along the river, was built a dam and a lake for tourist ships. In the area, that used to be a garbage dump, set up a site in memory of Ivo Andrich, the same childhood friend of my father who composed the book "The Bridge on the Drina" Another important message is that we must appreciate the fact that we have a country that can fight and prevent such a thing from recurring, rather than taking it for granted. The Life Today
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