The story of Gizela - Afik Shiraz. Abinun Shmuel
Grated carrot salad with slices of banana and raisins, dipped in orange juice with a little sugar. "Shnenokle" – an e gg Meringue Cream , boiled with yolk and sugar served after it had been cooled. On Passover, I loved the spinach pie with salted cheese between matzos which absorbed the fluids. Kings Deli. And the Passover dessert - "Fritulikas" - pancakes made of broken matzo dipped in sugar syrup. And of course the home-made jams and "slatko" – confit made of fruits, oranges, watermelon peels and whatnot. And the unique Passover foods – fried chopped leek with meat. When I served in the Army the girlfriend liked to partake the sandwiches that my mother made - slices of bread, with salted cheese, a piece of pepper, tomato and sour cucumber. Juicy and delicious sandwiches. The loving and dedicated attitude of my mother is what gave me the confidence, ability to accept almost any situation and act accordingly. Whatever it is, we will always know how to do it, or as we usually say - "When we reach the bridge we will pass it". When I gave birth to my third son, many took pity on me. Three boys - not terrible, but three brides - how would you deal with?! To everyone I replied that I wish myself relationships with my future brides as I have with my mother-in-law. Indeed, I was blessed with a model, but difficult to emulate. Gizela knows how to keep quiet, as if she has heard nothing and has no opinion, but she hears and knows everything and with her wisdom avoids intervening and even expressing an opinion, unless asked. By infinite patience she prepares delicacies (more in the past; today a lot by Jenny) pre-sorted into bags or boxes, for each one individually with a sticker and name. (We always have my name on the bag, and I tease Shmuel - "If you behave nicely I'll share with you"). This, too, I apply with my brides: I always remember - to the small without nuts, to Zoe without raisins - a really hard target. I always say that no one goes through Baba's door and comes out empty-handed. Her broad hand, not from economic abundance but from her heart, has almost no boundaries - "When there is a place in the heart there is space in the house" she says. And really, we always felt comfortable coming and staying with her. I remember when we returned from a company in Kfar Saba. Dror was already big and didn't join us and he went to bed leaving the key in the door. We knocked, rang - nothing helped. Dror was in a deep sleep; and his friend across the home told us, "He went fifteen minutes ago." We had two choices - either Ella
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