The story of Gizela - Afik Shiraz. Abinun Shmuel
My brothers-in-law Benjamin (Binko) Abinun and his family were with us in Beer Yaakov and from there they moved to Kibbutz Efal near Tel Hashomer, from there to Kibbutz Yad Mordechai and later to Jerusalem. Benjamin worked in the Ministry of Trade and Industry as a bookkeeper and retired. He died at the age of 94 on October 8, 2009. My sister-in-law Rozika , after her release from the Tito Army, married Zadok Romano and had an only daughter, Mathilda, born in 1952. After the war, broke out in Yugoslavia in 1992, they immigrated to the absorption center in Be'er Sheva and from there moved to Kiryat Motzkin. She died in November 2004.
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