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Table of Contents
Foreword Introduction Preface Chapter 1:
Process of Collecting Stories of Success on Best-Practice Culturally-Competent Work with Maltreated Children from the Ethiopian-Israeli Community through Use of the Method of Learning from Success 1. The Work Process 2. Learning from Success as a Lever of Personal, Professional and Organizational Growth 3. Literature Review of Maltreated Children and Youth, and how the Service System Copes with the Provision of Responses to Members of the Ethiopian-Israeli Community Chapter 2: Action Principles Common to the Stories of Success 1. Action Principles 2. Breakdown of Action Principles from Stories of Success Chapter 3: Stories of Success in Best-Practice, Culturally-Competent Work with Maltreated Children in the Ethiopian-Israeli Community 1. One for All and All for One – Success Story in Work with Family in Distress 2. From Bondage to Freedom: Success Story in Work with Fanta and her Four Children 3. Successful Treatment of Daughter and Mother, and Restoration of Health 4. Against all Odds: Success Story in Work with Family Suffering from Chronic, *VTWSL_ +PMÄJ\S[PLZ 5. Men’s Tales: Success Stories in Work with Fathers 6. The Right Path: Success Story in Work with Rebellious Boy 7. Double Rescue: Success Story in Work with Woman Suffering fromViolence, and her Son who Suffered from Neglect
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